Our key task in a typical Annual Report is to unearth the best way to articulate your purpose and then communicate your value proposition. In doing so we are mindful of the various audiences for the report and will also ensure we adhere to the regulation requirements.
We would start the project by discussing best practice options with you – these evolve year on year (right now the focus is on integration of the report with Corporate Responsibility) and are a useful way to avoid iterative reporting behaviour.
Once we are happy that the strategy is resolved, we can get the pagination and design concepts underway. Each stage of the design development and then artworking process adds content to the finished product – making a book of MANY elements come together in an accurate, fluid and optimal way that suits your business and resources is our goal. Further to your sign off we will oversee the print/mailout and online publication process and liaise with your Registrar to get the Annual Reports to the right shareholders at the agreed time.
End to end, and further to 20 years of experience we have honed processes and systems that mitigate against risk of failure and cost surprise. These processes and systems will apply regardless of your reporting ambition, budget and corporate resource.
We can work with your existing content to enhance and develop it into an engaging PowerPoint or Keynote presentation that mirrors the look and feel of the Annual Report design. We can also provide support on the day itself, typically for venue branding and shareholder registration.
Let’s make sure that all the hard work on your investor story and value proposition that went into your report production is addressed in your investor deck – normally this would be built in PowerPoint so that you are in control of the content and have full content editing flexibility when on the road.
SGN manage the network that distributes natural and green gas to 5.9 million homes and businesses across Scotland, the south of England and Northern Ireland.
SGN is responsible to its regulator Ofgem and also to its four institutional shareholders. These shareholders oversee the two regulated operating companies in Scotland and southern England as well as the holding company and a number of unregulated operating companies too.
Year-on-year the reporting task has evolved to best tell the investor story, but also further to the client’s appetite to adopt best practice content.
Mindful of the non-retail shareholder profile, content development has included business model development, infographics, charting for key metrics and various other hard-working elements that ensure that this dynamic business is understood by all its stakeholders.
The 2017 report cover shows SGN working in Edinburgh’s Old Town to upgrade the local gas network, a shot commissioned and planned by Thunderbolt Projects on the client’s behalf.
During 2017 we also undertook various regulatory reporting tasks for SGN – documents that were designed to report directly to Ofgem on corporate activity.